Philippine Department of Agriculture – Tokyo
Agri dep’t launches Green Revolution 2.0 for a food-secured nation

Agri dep’t launches Green Revolution 2.0 for a food-secured nation

In line with the strong commitment of the national government towards achieving food security, the Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI), launched the Green Revolution 2.0: Plants for Bountiful Barangays Movement (Luntiang Ani ng Mamamayan) on October 26 at Rizal Park in Luneta, Manila. The Green Revolution 2.0 is an initiative of the Department, which seeks to improve the nutrition of Filipinos by increasing production and supply of fresh fruits and vegetables in the urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. It aims to turn communities into patches of green edible landscapes through the establishment of vegetable gardens. Senior Undersecretary Domingo F. Panganiban graced the kick-off ceremony, which […]

ASEAN+3農相会合 「みどりプラン」提起 日本、食料・環境で技術支援

ASEAN+3農相会合 「みどりプラン」提起 日本、食料・環境で技術支援

 日本、中国、韓国と東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)加盟10カ国は26日、農相会合をオンラインで開いた。野村哲郎農相は、環境負荷低減を目指す農水省の「みどりの食料システム戦略」に沿った協力プランを提起。ASEAN域内の食料生産で、環境負荷低減と安定供給を両立させるため、同プランに基づき技術開発・実証や人材育成支援などを進めると表明した。  日中韓とASEANは、域内の農林分野での協力の実施状況を確認するため、2001年から閣僚級の会合を毎年開いている。野村農相は就任後初の国際会議出席となった。  農水省によると、会合で野村農相は、温室効果ガス削減や化学農薬・肥料の低減などを目指すみどり戦略を踏まえた「日ASEANみどり協力プラン」を打ち出し、各国から賛同を得た。  同プランでは、高温多湿な気候条件や小規模農家が多く米作りが盛んなどの各国の共通点を踏まえ、持続可能な食料生産・供給の実現に向け、技術開発・実証や人材育成などで協力していくとした。  具体的な取り組みとして、水田の中干し期間の延長によるメタンガスの発生抑制、ドローンでの効率的な農薬散布を通じた使用量低減、ASEAN各国の大学と連携した食料関連分野の担い手育成などを明記。ASEAN側の意向も踏まえ、将来的に温室効果ガス排出量を抑えた食料生産に対する民間投資の増加などでも協力していくとした。  野村農相は日本からの支援として、大規模災害などの緊急時に米を融通する制度や域内の食料需給を把握する「ASEAN食料安全保障情報システム(AFSIS)」などの取り組みを継続していくことも表明した。  共同声明も採択した。緊急時の米融通の制度を巡り、21年までにカンボジア、ラオス、ミャンマー、フィリピンに計7137トンを無償支援した日韓両国を評価した。各国が保有する在庫のうち不測時に放出可能な数量を示す「申告備蓄」について、有償で支援する方式を積極的に活用していくことも盛り込んだ。 引用:

PBBM sees potential of Philippines to become leading agri resource hub

PBBM sees potential of Philippines to become leading agri resource hub

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. reiterated that transforming the country’s agriculture and fisheries into a robust sector is the top priority of his administration as he acknowledged the need to continue opening more opportunities for local farmers and fisherfolk. “With our energies and resources combined, I am confident that we will not only achieve our goal of feeding the Filipino people, but also achieve our dream of making the Philippines a leading agricultural resource hub in the region and the world,” President Marcos said. The President enjoined all agriculture and fisheries stakeholders to recommit to synergizing efforts towards the country’s agricultural and economic productivity during the AgriLink/FoodLink/AquaLink 2022 Opening Program at […]

PH rice production remains high despite big challenges

PH rice production remains high despite big challenges

The Department of Agriculture (DA) National Rice Program reported that this year’s local palay production is expected to reach 19.50 million metric tons (MMT) or 12.754MMT of rice despite global challenges that include the increase in prices of fuel and fertilizer, among other inputs. The DA’s 2022 rice supply and demand outlook as of September 15 showed that the total annual supply is at 17.364MMT, while the total annual usage is at 15.137MMT. There will be an ending stock of 2.228 MMT equivalent to 60 days. The expected import arrival is at 2.751MMT for the first three quarters of the year. While all of the remaining issued import clearances by […]

Young farmers are the ‘good news’ in PHL agri – Sen. Imee

Young farmers are the ‘good news’ in PHL agri – Sen. Imee

Twenty-two young agripreneurs from the National Capital Region (NCR) were bestowed recognition during the Provincial Level awarding of the Young Farmers Challenge (YFC) Program on August 31, 2022. The honorees are the geniuses behind 11 enterprises that won as Provincial winners of the Young Farmers Challenge. The winners qualify for the regional level competition. Now in its second run, the YFC is a competitive financial grant program by the Department for Filipino youth—whether individual or group—who are aspiring to pursue profitable and sustainable agri-fishery enterprises. The program is an initiative of the office of Senator Imee Marcos. In her message, the lady Senator referred to the awardees as the good […]

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