Philippine Department of Agriculture – Tokyo
大豆「ちくしB5号」転換進む 収量、豆腐適性に注目 福岡

大豆「ちくしB5号」転換進む 収量、豆腐適性に注目 福岡

福岡県の大豆産地が新品種「ちくしB5号」への転換を進めている。従来の主力「フクユタカ」に比べて収量が平均で8%多く、豆腐適性が高いとされる。生産・実需の双方から注目が集まる。品種特性を発揮して収量を安定させられるかが焦点となる。  豆腐適性が高い「フクユタカ」の主産地である九州では近年、天候不順から収量の減少が続き、実需が要望する安定供給の面では課題があった。  「フクユタカ」が作付けの約9割を占める福岡県では、県農林業総合試験場が開発した品種「ちくしB5号」への全面転換を計画する。2022年産は、県内の2JAで作付けた。その一つであるJAたがわは、全面転換となる410ヘクタールで栽培し、採種にも取り組む。同年産は大・中粒比率で8割を超えており、安定した粒別比率となった。  同JA営農企画課の山本明広課長は「これから期待ができる品種」と手応えを話す。  同JAでは、降雨後に素早くまくことができる播種(はしゅ)技術を推進し、収量を伸ばしてきた。新品種は、早まきが可能で長雨による播種遅れ防止に一層期待が高まる。同JAの麦大豆部会の山口忠秋部会長は「所得向上になる」と意気込む。  実需も豆腐適性を評価する。九州産大豆などを使用した豆腐の製造・販売を手がける田川市の豆腐メーカー三好食品工業は、新品種を使用した商品化を進めている。日本豆腐協会会長で同社の三好兼治代表は「フクユタカと遜色なく、安心して作れる」と収穫量の安定を期待する。  JA全農ふくれんは「県域の大豆部会を通じて生産者への情報提供などを行い、実需者が求める安定供給を実現したい」と需要拡大を支援する。県では、安定した種子供給体制を整備し、九州一体となった品種切り替えによるロットの安定化を目指す。 引用:

Japan starts exporting Unshu oranges to Vietnam

Japan starts exporting Unshu oranges to Vietnam

TOKYO, Nov. 24 – Following Vietnam’s lifting of an import ban on Japan-grown Unshu Mandarin oranges in October, growers in Wakayama Prefecture will become the first to ship the oranges to the country in late November. JA Arida, an agricultural cooperative in Wakayama, Japan’s top growing region of Unshu oranges, plans to ship some 2 tons of early-season varieties to Vietnam in the current fiscal year. Growers hope their oranges – with a unique sweet-sour flavor which differentiates them from oranges from other countries – will appeal to rich consumers in Vietnam. Vietnam agreed to lift the import ban under the condition that the oranges are cultivated at registered farmlands […]

Yudeboshi-Daikon (boiled and dried radish) gets more flavor in cold wind (Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

Yudeboshi-Daikon (boiled and dried radish) gets more flavor in cold wind (Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture)

NAGASAKI, Feb. 6 – Omotate Region, Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture, is now busy making yudeboshi-daikon (dried radish stripes), an amazing traditional food. Local farmers are drying boiled daikon radish strips on the structure built on the coastline facing the Goto-nada Sea, utilizing northwestern sea wind, which is necessary to deepen the flavor of the product. Steam rises from the boiled radishes, and that is one of the most typical sights on a cold winter’s day here. Yudeboshi daikon is a non-perishable food. The farmers cut daikon radishes into stripes, boil and dry them in the cold air for one whole day and night. They use Daiei Okura daikon, which is […]

Bluefin Tuna sells for Rs 2 crore in Japan: Why is it so expensive?

Bluefin Tuna sells for Rs 2 crore in Japan: Why is it so expensive?

Considered a delicacy, Bluefin Tuna is served at high-end sushi restaurants the world over. It has come a long way since it being known as ‘trash fish’ decades ago FP Explainers January 06, 2023 17:55:53 IST The head of a Bluefin Tuna purchased for Rs 2 crore. AFP A Bluefin Tuna sold for more than Rs 2 crore at a New Year’s auction in Japan on Thursday. The first sale of the year more than doubled last year’s price. But what do we know about the Bluefin Tuna? And why is it so expensive? Let’s take a closer look: What do we know about BlueFin Tuna? As per the website, there […]

Japan’s $200 Square Watermelons That Only Look Good Enough to Eat

Japan’s $200 Square Watermelons That Only Look Good Enough to Eat

Would you pay two hundred dollars or more for one watermelon? And what if I told you after putting down that amount of cash for one piece of fruit, that you couldn’t even eat it? Yep, Japan is home to the uniquely shaped and inedible Shikaku suika (四角スイカ, しかくすいか) or square watermelon, and if you want one, you’re going to have to be prepared to pay a pretty sum for it. Japan is well-known for having expensive fruit that is produced largely for the gift market, and square watermelons are no exception. But unlike many other fruits that taste as good as their impeccable presentation, this cube-shaped fruit is for display purposes […]

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